Conquer Magnetic Resistance Home Rowing Machine Rower Reviews

Best rowing machines 2022: Peak picks from NordicTrack, ProForm, Hydrow and more

Young man on best rowing machine in home
(Image credit: Getty)

The all-time rowing machines have the power to put almost every musculus you have through a thorough workout. By recruiting both your upper and lower body, this efficient slice of equipment can work up to fourscore% of your muscles with each stroke, helping you build both your muscular and cardiovascular systems in a single sitting.

So, while the best treadmills or best exercise bikes may leave your legs sore and your forehead sweaty, a rowing machine provides a full-body workout, taxing your back, biceps, cadre, quadriceps, hamstrings and more.

And if you've read our commodity on the 10 benefits of using a rowing car you'll know that the positive impacts don't end there. Research published in the Medicine & Science in Sports & Practice journal showed that rowing can crush calories and provide mental health benefits. It's a low-touch activeness also, so won't put undue stress on your joints.

What the experts say

"Rowing machines toll next to nothing to run, because you don't plug them in like you would a treadmill," says Personal Trainer and gym owner Steve Hoyle. "Unlike some machines, you'll never outgrow a rowing car, they're suitable for all fettle levels - from complete beginner to a professional athlete."

If this impressive CV has yous ready to spring ship and swap your weekly run for an at-home rowing session, at that place are several factors you should consider. Firstly, consider the features that are most of import to y'all. Exercise y'all just want a no-frills rowing machine to rack up the (nautical) miles, or would you adopt a high-tech smart rower with a touchscreen and coach-led sessions to motivate you lot?

So, think about the infinite and budget yous take available. Later on all, a rowing machine isn't much utilize if it'south out of your price range or doesn't fit in your front end room.

Luckily, we've considered all of the above and compiled a tried and tested collection of the eight best rowing machines you can buy, with options to suit all budgets and fitness goals. Then, read on to discover the right fit for you.

All-time rowing machines

Concept 2 Model D (RowErg)

(Image credit: Patricia Carswell)

The best rowing car for value for money


Resistance: air

Display: PM5 operation monitor

Dimensions: Length: 96" (244cm); Width 24" (61cm); Height (to top of monitor): l" (127cm); Seat top: standard legs - xiv" (35cm) / tall legs -twenty" (51cm)

Storage: Tin exist separated into two parts and stood on its cease

Heart rate monitor: Bluetooth and wireless ANT+ connectivity so PM5 monitor can exist synced with your heart rate monitor

Reasons to buy


Excellent value for money


Industry standard model used in competitions


Reliable and robust with readily-available replacement parts

Reasons to avoid


No in-built apps, fancy graphics or alive workouts


Not the well-nigh aesthetically attractive

This top-end model is dear by rowers, thank you to its unbeatable performance and information-tracking prowess. It'south the model you'll find used in well-nigh indoor rowing competitions and installed in gyms across the state. When we tested information technology out, nosotros found it delivered a smooth, comfy workout and we were happily surprised at how quiet it was, too.

What users say

Boasting an impressive 4.9 out of five on Amazon (out of over 8,000 ratings globally), it's articulate that the Concept2 Model D rower has impressed users, "this machine rides like a Cadillac". Yet, one user did complain that it wasn't suitable for building muscle, "This is a 95% a cardio only machine".

Keeping track of how much yous've rowed (and existence rewarded when yous reach landmarks) is simple with the Concept2 logbook. All that information is synced, which ways you can also enter competitions and pit yourself confronting other users over set distances.

The flywheel is mutual to all air-resistance machines and produces a white noise that is certainly louder than a magnetic rowing automobile, and less highly-seasoned than the swoosh of the water rower, just the Concept2 RowErg's noise levels aren't excessive.

The rowing auto'south monitor is compatible with the free ErgData app, which allows you lot to monitor all your operation statistics; it stores and displays your conditioning results; and it uploads everything to the Concept2 online logbook. The app as well works with Android and iOS devices. The monitor as well connects to a suite of other apps so y'all can take advantage of online classes, coaching and training programs. You can fifty-fifty sync upward to virtual racing.

The reward of the machine'southward elementary design and tech is that in that location's very picayune to go wrong, and people tend to continue their Concept2 RowErg for many years, replacing parts as they article of clothing out and taking reward of the extremely helpful customer back up.

Best rowing machines 2021: Hydrow rowing machine

(Image credit: Hydrow)


The all-time rowing machine for interactivity


Resistance : electromagnetic

Brandish: 22" touch screen

Dimensions: 50 86" (218cm); Westward 25" (63.5cm); H 47" (119cm)

Storage: can be placed upright but requires storage kit, purchased separately

Heart rate monitor: Pairs with basic middle rate monitors with Emmet+ connectivity. Tends not to work with smart watches with HR function

Reasons to purchase


Superb graphics


Immersive experience and comprehensive program



Reasons to avoid




Membership not included

This high spec brute is oft described equally the Peloton of rowing machines, and information technology's important to sympathize from the first that you're not just buying a rowing machine merely a whole membership.

What users say

The Hydrow is rated 5 out of 5 on Amazon (albeit with merely 20 global ratings and then far). Users love the interactive online attribute that the touchscreen brings and many mention the quality of the motorcar, "I could non have imagined what a high quality rower the Hydrow brand provides. It'due south super heavy, and the rowing is smooth… Highly highly recommend this rower".

The Hydrow is all about interactivity, and as with Peloton y'all are encouraged to subscribe to an ongoing membership with live classes likewise as hundreds of pre-recorded online sessions. The motorcar will function without the membership but you would not get access to the main features.

The Hydrow is a sleek, attractive, ultra-modern machine. Information technology features a 22" touchscreen with a high-definition display and gorgeous graphics. The library includes sessions where you sentry a video of real waterways every bit y'all row, consummate with wild fauna, passing boats and beautiful surroundings, and you can bring together both live and recorded classes led by peak course coaches. To support your rowing grooming in that location's besides a programme of yoga, pilates and force training.

The resistance on a Hydrow is calculator-controlled electromagnetic resistance, which is quiet enough to let you follow the classes without needing headphones. Hydrow claims that the feel is every bit close to rowing on the h2o as you can get on a rowing machine, although not all rowers agree with this. Either fashion, the action is smooth.

For storage, you stand it upwardly on its finish, but to exercise this y'all need to buy a storage kit, which has to exist purchased separately.

The main drawback is the cost, both of the machine itself and of the membership subscription. If you beloved the idea of a community and get a kick out of the graphics, then it might exist worth the investment, but y'all tin go a good conditioning for less.

Annotation: This rowing automobile is currently beingness tested and reviewed and this buying guide will be updated once the review is consummate.

Best rowing machines 2021: NordicTrack RW900

(Image credit: Best Purchase)

NordicTrack RW900

The best rowing machine with a comprehensive preparation programme


Resistance: dual air and silent magnetic

Display: 22" touch screen

Dimensions: 50 86.5" (220cm); West 22" (56cm); H 47.i" (120cm)

Storage: folds up

Heart rate monitor: compatible with near bluetooth-enabled HRMs plus the iFit bluetooth chest strap

Reasons to buy


Folds upwards for like shooting fish in a barrel storage


Hybrid resistance


Comprehensive program including cross-training

Reasons to avert


Not very attractive pattern


Membership non included

Like the Hydrow, the NordicTrack RW900 involves a membership program.

What users say

This rower scores 4.2 out of 5 on Amazon, with 622 global ratings to describe from. Reviews are a footling mixed, with 11% of the ratings existence 1 star. Fans of the motorcar phone call it a "nice piece of equipment [and] peachy addition to my home gym". Meanwhile, others mutter about defective products arriving and poor client service.

Although a decent machine in its own correct with 26 resistance levels as well equally manual resistance, the main do good of this rowing car is its integration with the iFit app.

The membership brings an interactive programme that isn't confined to rowing - yous get admission to everything from yoga to strength training as well as indoor rowing sessions led by elite rowers.

Unusually, it features a hybrid resistance system, with both magnetic resistance (great if you want to proceed the noise downwardly) plus added air resistance if you desire to pump information technology up. A fun added extra is the capacity for the resistance to be adjusted remotely by the instructor during live classes.

The machine itself is pretty good value just the membership subscription isn't cheap unless y'all're participating in several classes a week. During the classes the screen will feed back data like calories and watts. Equally with the Hydrow, you can likewise savour rowing confronting a backdrop of waterways from around the world.

For such a high tech automobile it's disappointingly functional in appearance, autonomously from the screen which is nicely designed and rotates and tilts for complete condolement and to enable y'all to follow along when you're doing mat piece of work. Information technology'southward quite heavy, although it does have the advantage of folding for easy storage.

Note: This rowing machine is currently beingness tested and reviewed and this buying guide volition be updated once the review is consummate.

Proform 750R collage image, showing the body of the rower and close up of the screen

(Epitome credit: Patricia Carswell)

ProForm 750R Rower

The all-time rowing machine for value


Resistance: magnetic, digital

Display: digital brandish with tablet holder

Dimensions: Fifty 85.8" (218 cm); W 21.7" (55 cm); H 45.7" (116 cm)

Storage: folds upwards

Heart rate monitor: Syncs with bluetooth enabled heart rate monitors

Reasons to buy


Good value


Optional membership plan


Folds up for storage

Reasons to avoid


Only one month's iFit subscription included in price


Design not the most attractive


Fairly basic digital display

The Proform 750R is solid, quiet and comfortable. It's not flashy – there's no touchscreen brandish here and it's not built from aesthetically-pleasing wood. But it performs well, offering consistent, magnetic-based resistance and a whisper-repose workout.

What users say

Reviews give this rowing machine three.6 out of 5 on Amazon, according to only 7 global ratings. Positive reviews say that the rower is "corking value" and "very good quality", while negative reviews discuss problems accessing the free period of iFit that comes with the machine.

Like other Proform and NordicTrack models, this rower comes with a free trial to the iFit app, which contains plenty of workouts for you to follow – some led by famous Olympians. During classes, the resistance on your machine will be adjusted by your instructor'due south prompts, which is a neat little extra.

However, to access this feature – and to exist able to clearly see the workout – yous'll need to secure a tablet to the front of your machine. There is a basic digital display included with the rower, which volition testify you metrics such as calories, distance, speed, time and strokes per infinitesimal, but you lot won't be able to see the iFit classes on this.

Despite the lack of screen, we think you'd be difficult pressed to find a amend option at this mid-range price. The machine comes with 24 different resistance levels – we found the top-finish of this to be suitably challenging. Information technology'south also incredibly easy to fold away, making it a skilful option for those with limited floor infinite.

Be warned that the gear up-up process is quite tricky for this rower. The machine is incredibly heavy to move around – make sure y'all have a friend to help you with the installation process – and the screws come up vacuum packed, which make them difficult to access. Once installed, the auto is solid and sturdy, just exist prepared to sink some time into the set-upwards.

Best rowing machines 2021: Stamina ATS Air Rower

(Image credit: Amazon)

Stamina ATS Air Rower

The best rowing machine for a budget-friendly price


Resistance: air

Display: Digital monitor

Dimensions: L 77" (198.ane cm) x W 18" (45.7 cm) x H 22" (55.9cm)

Storage: folds upward

Heart charge per unit monitor: No

Reasons to buy


Cheaper than most


Folds up for storage

Reasons to avoid


Monitor very basic


Tin't accommodate air flow


Less durable than others

With many rowing machines costing more than $one,000, information technology's e'er proficient to discover ane at the budget end of the market at under $500.

What users say

With a rating of 4.1 out of 5 on Amazon (with over 1,800 global ratings), this rower has quite a few fans with positive comment such as "This is a well congenital machine, zip feels cheap or delicate and the resistance is good". Withal, other reviewers complain about a "complicated prepare up" and the spring render mechanism breaking.

This is an air rower without any bells and whistles, but if you just want to get a sweat on without spending a fortune information technology could be a decent choice.

The design is fairly basic, though it does come in a range of colourways which makes a overnice change from most rowing machines. It folds up for easy storage, so is suitable for home apply. You can't adjust the air catamenia - the resistance comes entirely from the amount of effort you lot put in - and some users report that the resistance is quite high.

The monitor is extremely uncomplicated and non the easiest to read, only it does provide most of the metrics yous'd want - speed, altitude, fourth dimension and calories burned. In common with all air rowers, it'south not as placidity every bit a magnetic rowing machine.

The principal drawback is its sturdiness - or lack of it. There are complaints from some users about the spring breaking and the strap fraying, often shortly after buy, and some grumbles nearly customer service when they reported the problems, but overall most customers find information technology provides excellent value for money.

Note: This rowing machine is currently being tested and reviewed and this ownership guide will be updated once the review is consummate.

Best rowing machines 2021: Product image of Sunny Health and Fitness

(Image credit: Sunny Health and Fitness)

Sunny Health & Fitness Magnetic Rowing Machine

Another great pick for the all-time rowing machine on a budget


Resistance: magnetic

Display: digital monitor

Dimensions: Fifty 78" (198cm); West" (48.5cm); H 23.2"(59cm)

Storage: folds up

Reasons to buy


Expert value for coin


Tranquility and smoothen


Adaptable resistance

Reasons to avert


Express data on functioning monitor


Non equally robust as more expensive machines

This magnetic rowing automobile would be a adept choice if all you want is a no-frills machine for a basic workout to go and stay fit.

What users say

With out of 5 on Amazon (based on 76 global ratings), this rowing machine has a multifariousness of positive reviews that mention aspects such as the "reasonable price" and how easy it is to gather. However, negative reviews hash out a lack of resistance and issues viewing the LCD display properly.

Because of the magnetic resistance, information technology provides a smoothen activeness and is quiet. Some users mutter that the resistance doesn't go high enough, despite many levels of resistance which you adjust via a dial.

It's deliberately designed for use in the home. Although it's not designed with looks in heed, it does fold up for storage and you won't bother the neighbors with the noise. It's not as sturdy as some higher-finish machines, and some users report that it moves across the floor when in vigorous apply.

If yous like feedback and information, this won't be the car for you, as at that place is merely limited data on the digital monitor (which isn't particularly like shooting fish in a barrel to read). Although it tracks stroke charge per unit, time and calories, it doesn't bear witness the distance rowed, which many people regard as a basic piece of data.

There are no apps and unlike the Concept2 RowErg it doesn't accept a smartphone holder. But if information technology'southward a upkeep option you lot're later on, it however gives you a solid workout and plenty of sweat for your buck.

Note: This rowing machine is currently being tested and reviewed and this buying guide will exist updated in one case the review is complete.

Best rowing machines 2021: Ergatta Rower

(Image credit: Ergatta)

Ergatta Rower

The best rowing machine for fun and varied workouts


Resistance: water

Display: 17.three" touchscreen

Dimensions: L 86" (218.4 cm); W 23" (58.four cm); H (with screen arm extended):

Storage: can be placed upright

Heart rate monitor: syncs with Bluetooth-uniform centre rate monitors

Reasons to buy


Stylish design and cracking graphics


Gaming inspired program with constant updates

Reasons to avert




No instructor classes

"At Ergatta we believe that working out should experience similar playing a sport, not taking a class," says Ergatta'due south promotional video.

What users say

Reddit reviews of the Ergatta Rower are generally positive, with ane commenter saying "I retrieve it's absolutely worth information technology. Without the 'gamification' I think my workouts would exist 3-4x per calendar week and would non concluding nearly equally long or [exist] as fun". However, another commenter mentioned a ii calendar month filibuster and problems sourcing a technician to assemble the rower.

Like some of the other subscription-based rowing machines, it involves a program, only this ane isn't class-based. Inspired by gaming engineering science, instead of post-obit instructors yous can participate in competitions and challenges such equally interval workouts, with real-time feedback and personalised targets that adjust as you go fitter.

Competition is a big element of the program and you can pit yourself against other users in global rankings. To keep things fresh, Ergatta releases at least 5 new workouts each week, has a Race of the Week and a new program and community challenge each month.

The rowing machine itself is a specially-designed machine made by WaterRower (meet below). The chief difference is that it is made from American blood-red wood (making it probably the best-looking rowing machine out at that place), plus it has a 17.two" touchscreen (instead of the S4 monitor) with impressive HD graphics. Information technology will sync with Bluetooth-enabled heart rate monitors.

As with all models of the WaterRower it has that distinctive hiss-and-swish audio and a smooth action. The resistance isn't adjustable without removing water from the drum.

The principal drawback is the price. The automobile itself is significantly more expensive than any of the wooden WaterRowers outside the Ergatta plan. The cost of the membership, which is sold separately, is on a par with Hydrow and NordicTrack.

If you lot like the idea of a membership program but hate the fist-pumping vibe of instructor-led group sessions, this could be a great program for yous, especially if you're motivated by competition. If, on the other hand, you are spurred on by an instructor teaching and encouraging y'all, a rower with a group class program would work meliorate. And if it'southward merely the cute wooden water rower you're after without the plan, become straight to WaterRower.

Note: This rowing motorcar is currently being tested and reviewed and this ownership guide will be updated in one case the review is complete.

Best rowing machines 2021: Waterrower Rowing machine Ash

(Paradigm credit: Amazon)

WaterRower Natural Rowing Machine

The best rowing motorcar for stylish homes


Resistance : water

Display: digital performance monitor

Dimensions: Fifty 83.5" (212cm); Due west 22.25" (57cm); H 20" (51cm)

Storage: can be placed upright

Reasons to purchase


Smoothen action


Attractive sound


Stylish blueprint

Reasons to avoid


No variable resistance


Basic tech

Handcrafted in solid ash, this is one of the all-time-looking rowers on the marketplace. Although it can be placed upright for storage, you're but as likely to want it on display.

What users say

WaterRower receives a 4.6 out of 5 rating on Trustpilot, based on almost ii,000 reviews. One commenter says that they've had their WaterRower "for over 25 years. It's keen to exist able to get replacement parts to go along information technology going". However, there are a few reviews that mention shipping delays.

It'southward not but the pattern that makes the WaterRower a popular choice - information technology sounds fabulous, likewise, with a distinctive, soothing whooshing racket. WaterRower says it recreates the experience of rowing on the water, and information technology certainly does evangelize a smooth, comfy row, only it'southward telling that virtually serious rowers favor the Concept2 RowErg over the WaterRower.

I of the reasons rowers don't tend to go for the WaterRower is that you lot don't get as much information as on the RowErg. Although the S4 monitor is a large improvement on the previous design (and tin be retrofitted on older machines), it's yet pretty basic, is hard to read and misses some central functions. It shows fourth dimension, distance (in metres, miles, km and number of strokes), speed/intensity (in metres per second, mph, 500m split, 2K carve up and calories per 60 minutes), stroke charge per unit and heart rate. It'southward a bit fiddly to programme and, importantly for some, there'southward no selection to set time intervals, unlike the Concept2 PM5 monitor. The 2K divide is a nice impact for anyone planning to compete, though.

The downside of the h2o resistance is that y'all can't adjust the resistance. Upkeep isn't as well arduous, though yous do need to pop a tablet in from fourth dimension to time.

Why should you lot buy the best rowing auto?

Rowing machines are a great investment, as they offer great low-touch on fettle benefits and they're easy to employ. The best rowing machines are built to last equally Personal Trainer Stephen Hoyle explained to Alive Science: "A adept rowing machine will last yous a very long time, with minimal upkeep. There's no complicated mechanism, just a chain that needs occasional oiling and a computer that will require the odd battery modify."

Yet undecided nigh making the switch from a treadmill to a rowing machine? To assistance you, we've summarized our thoughts on the rowing motorcar versus treadmill contend; give information technology a read to decide what car is best for you lot! Nosotros've also put together some advice on how to use a rowing machine to lose weight.

Patricia Carswell is a freelance announcer specializing in wellness and fitness. She has written for a huge variety of national newspapers, magazines and websites, including Good for you, Superlative Santé, Women's Fettle and, and writes a monthly cavalcade for British Rowing's content hub. She'due south the founder and host of rowing web log and podcast, Girl on the River, where guests have included Sir Matthew Pinsent and multiple Olympian Frances Houghton MBE. She keeps fit by rowing, walking, and wild swimming, and is at her happiest when on or in the water.


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